Sunday, June 20, 2021

2021 Call or Write your representative TODAY!

2021, Steven B. Zwickel 

I keep getting phone calls and messages from various groups urging me to write or call my elected officials. I am supposed to tell them how I feel about a particular issue and encourage them to do something about it. What nonsense!

First, my elected officials have access to tons of polls and market research so they already know exactly how I, and millions of my fellow citizens, feel about these issues. In many cases they apparently choose to ignore this information. They don't care how I feel. Telling them how I want them to vote in a phone call or letter is a waste of time.

Second, while they can, and will, ignore the many calls and letters they receive, they seem to have no hesitancy about responding to those which include a check for a large campaign contribution. No one can deny that money, BIG money, influences lawmakers. 

Since I am not rich enough to cut a check for $1,000,000 or more, I have no influence, except, I still have the power of the vote. Right now, in many states, politicians are trying to reduce that power.

So, forget about writing or calling your legislators. Without having a fat wallet, voting is the only way you and I can really have any political power. If you don’t have loads of money, your only power is the vote. Use it wisely, cherish it, and fight like hell to keep the politicians from taking it away from you.

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I spend a lot of time staring at my phone…

Like a lot of people today, I spend hours staring at my phone. I just don't get much out of it.