Sunday, August 21, 2022

2022 The "Immaturing" of America

 The "Immaturing" of America

Steven B. Zwickel, 2019

What can you say about a society that needs to offer adults classes in “adulting”?

I see a pattern emerging in America these days that I find troubling. To me it appears that Americans are becoming less mature, less competent, less prepared for the ups and downs of life. 

We have an increase in an “on demand” culture that bespeaks an inability to delay gratification. Babies cry until someone picks them up, gives them food, pops a Nuk into their mouths, or they cry themselves out and fall asleep. It’s a hard lesson, but most parents learn that it isn’t possible or desirable to jump the moment the baby starts to bawl.

As they grow up, children are taught to control their impulsive behaviors, primarily so that they learn to think before they act. We associate reckless, careless behavior with teenagers, who appear to be oblivious of the consequences. With maturity should come both caution and patience. 

What we have today is a culture that craves instant gratification—live streaming and same-day delivery—enabling a lifestyle of putting things off until the last minute. People don’t plan or manage their time efficiently because they don’t have to. Self-centered adults see no reason why they should ever have to wait for anything. Like crying infants, they expect someone or something to come rushing in to solve their problems.

Anyone who uses the Internet is aware of the American obsession with celebrity. It’s not even really an American thing—all over the world people are crying out online for attention—likes, “friends”, stars—just like a three-year old. You see them everywhere, taking Selfies and posting every little thing on Instagram so they can be famous. Well, famous for a few seconds until the next big thing comes along. 

All these apps make a user the center of attention.

The most disturbing trend is the culture of unfairness. Children learn that life is unfair and adults come to accept this as fact. But now we have a large sub-culture that whines endlessly.

If you don’t like this article, I’m gonna tell my mom!

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I spend a lot of time staring at my phone…

Like a lot of people today, I spend hours staring at my phone. I just don't get much out of it.